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How to use the TimelyBill Learning Center website
TimelyBill streamlines the billing process by automating usage gathering, call typing, call rating, billing, invoice generation, and invoice transmission. TimelyBill also manages your customer payment processing. Our training courses will cover many of the steps.
You can also find more detailed information here:
• Podcast: Telecom Billing Process
• Flowchart: How Telecom Billing Works
Once you email us to enroll, your request will be reviewed to ensure you are an existing TimelyBill customer. Once approved, you’ll be given immediate access to the course via the Course Player. The Course Player is the course-taking environment—you can view the curriculum, watch videos, take quizzes, and more!
Quizzes are not just an evaluation tool; they encourage learning. Each TimelyBill training course ends with a short 2-3 question quiz to confirm your comprehension of the subject material and to have you immediately engage with the content just presented. Once complete, you are awarded a certificate of training. Each quiz has a passing grade of 100%. If you do not pass the quiz, you will see the overview screen immediately and be encouraged to try again.
After you complete a course, the certificate will be issued 'on-click,' which means that your certificate will be generated and issued once you click "Generate my Certificate."